Dawn Emerson is a mixed media artist residing in Summerland, BC, Canada. After raising four children in a remote mountain valley in northern BC, Emerson moved her famly to the Okanagan to pursue her dream to be an artist. She enrolled at UBCO and completd her Bachelor of Fine Arts and Bachelor of Education.
She is now retired from teaching but continues to work and create in her studio.In her artwork, she portrays her interpretation of the environment of both man and nature. Emerson creates art with a variety of mediums such as gels, acrylic paint, pastels, graphite, papers and collected items related to the subject matter. She also hides images/prose within her paintings, creating another layer of subliminal messages. Her fresh, individual style creates paintings that come alive with an energetic and unique presence.
Emerson has had numerous exhibitions in Western Canada in public and commercial galleries. She has been selected to create corporate artwork and commission work such as the 2005 BC Museums Association Annual Conference.
She has been the winner of both the regional and provicial BC Festival of the Arts in 2000. Emerson has also received awards such as the President's Choice Award 2000 and the Okanagan Arts Award 2011.
Hiking With-In Arizona is a body of work representing the beauty of Arizona's unique landsape. This artwork was inspired by Emerson's love of nature and her many hikes throughout areas of Arizona.
Arizona's diverse landscape cannot be predicted; from sagebrush and cactush in bloom to deciduous trees growing along creek beds. Canyons and mountains are formed with rocks and minerals of all colours and designs. Birds of many species live within the different elevations. HIking throughout the Arizona desert is truly awe inspiring. May "Hiking With-In Arizona" share the beauty and intrigue of Arizona's landscapes from the artist to you, the viewer.