Carl Erik Stanley: Surreal - The Hidden Serenity


Carl is a Kelowna-based photographer living a nomadic lifestyle in search of outdoor adventures and breathtaking landscapes. After a life as a magazine editor, he left his office job and threw himself into landscape photography. Developing a love of long exposures, Carl’s images have won several international awards and he was recently named the runner up for the 2019 Master Photographers International Open Photographer of the Year.

Often living out of a tent and travelling far into the wilderness at the wheel of a 4WD, Carl seeks out rocky mountain vistas and rugged shorelines to create uniquely moody images. From camping in -40C by the Arctic Ocean to the heat of the Australian Outback, he has merged a love of outdoor adventure and photography to expose himself to some of the world’s most
striking landscapes.

“I love the challenge of extreme environments and creating images that twist these harsh locations into photography that invokes a sense of mood and calm. For the most part, the weather I shoot in is violent, and to turn these extreme conditions into calming and intriguing works of art brings great satisfaction that drives me to create even more captivating works. No image comes easy.”


Under Tolanga


Artist Statement 

Nature is a powerful force. It’s not just the beauty of nature that compels me to venture into the backcountry, but it’s the forces of nature that draw me out into the forests, the mountains and the beaches with my camera equipment to create my own unique images. Weather is what truly makes nature interesting and I use the weather as a tool to create surreal fine art
photography that gives a special glimpse of what the naked eye cannot.
Despite my love for stormy weather, I use a technical style of photography and different lens filters to manipulate an active - and sometimes violent - scene into one of calm and serenity.

Coupling long exposure images of up to 20-minutes long with a minimalistic composition has become a defining style of my work. I make use of heavy rain, snow or fog to aid in am images mood and minimalism. By simply giving hints of landscapes in the background, my photography
portrays a sense of mystery and gives the viewer a little more to think about, rather than simply “where was this taken?”

Carl Erik Stanley: Surreal - The Hidden Serenity

September 15 - October 28

Gallery opening reception: Thursday, September 15,  7 - 9 pm

Piper's Pyramid


Salish Sea