This spring Summerland artist Jean Evanishen experienced a catastrophe when her pottery studio flooded.
“My studio hot water tank sprang a leak and it went unnoticed for two days…[it] floated the flooring and the bottom of the drywall.”
Everything had to be removed from Jean’s studio, including fixtures and pottery.
Instead of re-stocking the shelves, she decided to have a “flood sale” and sell the pieces she took out of the studio, donating the proceeds to the Summerland Food Bank & Resource Centre. She sold almost 70 pieces and raised just over $500 for the food bank.
“It was a worthwhile effort and I’d really like to express my appreciation for all those kind people who were supportive. I’m anxious to get the pottery studio put back together and get in there and be creative again.”
Thank you Jean, for your generosity and community spirit!